  • 11.02 博士后出站报告和博士毕业论文答辩报告公告
      报 告 人:李兆利 
      论文题目: 酰胺酸类手性杀菌剂与聚氨酯塑料泡沫的表观遗传毒性研究 
      答 辩 人:尹晶 
      时间:2017年 11月 2日下午1:30 
  • 10.27 博士后出站报告公告:城市CO2排放清单核算研究——以中部18城市为例
  • 10.26 青促会小组学术沙龙:地质碳循环与地球宜居性
      题 目:地质碳循环与地球宜居性 
      单 位:南京大学地球科学与工程学院 
      时 间:2017年10月26日(周四)下午 15:00开始 
      地 点:生态科研楼505会议室 
      邀请人:刘倩 研究员 
      报告人简介:李高军,南京大学地球科学与工程学院教授,国家自然科学基金委员会优秀青年基金项目、全国百篇优秀博士论文、南京大学“登峰人才支持计划”获得者。现任Nature-Scientific Reports地学编委,国际地球化学协会GES10组委,中国民主同盟江苏省青年委员会副主任。李高军教授的主要研究方向为:(1)气候变化:土壤碳酸盐古降水记录;(2)构造时间尺度全球生物地球化学循环:碳、锶、锇、锂等同位素示踪与模拟;(3)234U/238U同位素地球化学;(4)亚洲风尘物源时空演化:从沙漠到太平洋,钕、锶、铪同位素示踪。已在Nature、EPSL、Geology、Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta、Global Biogeomical Cycles等国际地学知名刊物发表30余篇高水平SCI学术论文。 
  • 10.24 生态学学科发展前沿讲座: Environmental change, niche specialisation and microbial communities: what can we learn from ammonia oxidisers?
      题目:Environmental change, niche specialisation and microbial communities: what can we learn from ammonia oxidisers? 
      报告人:Prof. James Prosser 
      单 位:University of Aberdeen, UK 
      时 间:2017年10月24日(星期二)下午2点 
      地 点:生态楼510会议室 
      邀请人:贺纪正 研究员 

      英国阿伯丁大学生命科学院环境微生物学教授,英国皇家学会会士,爱丁堡皇家学会会士,FEMS Microbiology Ecology的执行主编,ISME杂志综述和评论的专刊主编及其他多个杂志的编委。Prosser教授长期致力于发展和应用各种分子生物学技术研究环境微生物的群落结构及其生态功能,在微生物驱动元素生物地球化学循环的作用机理,硝化微生物的多样性、生态功能及其生化机制,古菌的富集培养、基因组学和遗传学等研究方面取得多个重要成果,是全球微生物生态学和硝化微生物研究领域的引领科学家。在Nature, Nature Reviews in Microbiology, PNAS, the ISME Journal, Environmental Microbiology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, FEMS Microbiology Ecology等主流杂志上发表研究论文、综述及专著260多篇。迄今为止,已获多项学术奖励和荣誉。 
  • 10.16 中科院院长讲习教授学术报告:金属元素代谢的生物学基础及代谢紊乱的危害机制
      报告人:Tomas Ganz, MD, Ph.D  
      简单介绍:Tomas Ganz, MD,Ph.D 是加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)医学院的终身讲座教授,医学系副主任,国际生物铁学会主席,戈登会议抗菌肽分会主席。研究方向是金属代谢与毒性机制、呼吸系统炎症机制。研究工作在Sicence,Nature和Cell系列杂志上发表,他引超过5万次。 
  • 10.19 生态学学科发展前沿讲座: Drivers of microbial diversity and ecosystem functioning
      题目:Drivers of microbial diversity and ecosystem functioning 
      报告人: Dr. Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo  
      单 位: University of Colorado Boulder 
      时 间:2017年10月19日(星期四)上午9:30 
      地 点:生态楼508会议室  
      邀请人:贺纪正 研究员     

    Dr.Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo
      Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo is an ecologist with a wide range of experience in many fields such as soil biogeochemistry, microbial ecology, and ecosystem ecology. He has excellent publication records including Nature, Science, PNAS and other high-profile journals.  
      Selected publications:  
      Delgado-Baquerizo, M. et al. Decoupling of soil nutrient cycles as a function of aridity in global drylands. Nature 502, 672-676 (2013).  
      Delgado-Baquerizo, M. et al. Microbial diversity drives multifunctionality in terrestrial ecosystems. Nature Communications 7 (2016)  
      Delgado-Baquerizo, M. et al. Palaeoclimate explains a unique proportion of the global variation in soil bacterial communities. Nature Ecology & Evolution, (2017).  
      Delgado-Baquerizo, M. et al. Climate legacies drive global soil carbon stocks in terrestrial ecosystems. Science Advances 3, (2017).  
      Delgado-Baquerizo M. et al. Biogeographic bases for a shift in crop C: N: P stoichiometries during domestication. Ecology Letters 19, 564–575 (2016).  
      Delgado-Baquerizo, M. et al. Soil microbial communities drive the resistance of ecosystem multifunctionality to global change in drylands across the globe. Ecology Letters 20, 1295-1305 (2017).  
  • 10.12 自然资本途径与生态系统服务评估软件InVEST培训通知
      为了增进大家对自然资本途径和生态系统服务评估软件InVEST模型的了解和应用,中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域生态国家重点实验室特邀请了美国斯坦福大学自然资本项目组的专家(Stephen Polasky,Mary Ruckelshaus等)来北京授课和培训,欢迎感兴趣的研究生和科研人员积极参加。 
      1. 培训内容 
      (2)生态系统服务评估软件InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) 的原理、安装、运行及其所有模块的应用示例。 
      2. 培训时间和地点 
      10月12日 10月13日 
    时间 培训内容 培训内容 
    9:00-9:30 欢迎仪式 回顾第一天内容 
    9:30-10:00 支持决策的自然资本整合途径(I) 土壤保持模型基本原理和参数 
    10:00-10:30 支持决策的自然资本整合途径(II) 分组运行感兴趣的模型 
    10:30-11:00 休息 休息 
    11:00-11:30 自然资本项目工具包介绍:InVEST, RIOS, OPAL等 分组运行感兴趣的模型 
    11:30-12:00 安装InVEST模型 水质净化模型基本原理和参数 
    12:00-13:00 午餐 午餐 
    13:00-13:30 水质净化模型基本原理与参数 分组运行感兴趣的模型 
    13:30-14:00 水质净化模型参数运行 分组运行感兴趣的模型 
    14:00-14:30 讨论和质询 InVEST模型的不确定性分析 
    14:30-15:00 休息 休息 
    15:00-15:30 其他模型介绍:固碳、授粉、海岸带脆弱性等等 生态系统服务利益相关者分析方法 
    15:30-16:00 分组运行感兴趣的模型 生态系统服务利益相关者分析制图 
    16:00-16:30 分组运行感兴趣的模型 生态系统服务利益相关者分析制图 
    16:30-17:00 分组运行感兴趣的模型 InVEST模型应用讨论 
    17:00-17:30 讨论和质询 结束 
  • 08.28 学术报告预告
      报告题目:Recent developments and opportunities for integrating stable isotope technologies to study the complex and dynamic impacts of climate change and local management on carbon and nitrogen cycling processes in terrestrial ecosystems 
      报告人:Professor Zhihong Xu 
      Professor Xu is the Director, Environmental Futures Research Institute, Griffith University, Nathan, since 2009 and Professor, Plant and Soil System, School of Natural Sciences, Griffith University. He has published more than 257 refereed journal and conference papers and 2 books, with 172 refereed papers (including 152 journal papers) in the past 10 years. Professor Xu has undertaken research projects extensively in: (a) biogeochemical processes of carbon (C) and nutrients in terrestrial ecosystems from agricultural, agroforestry and forest ecosystems in Australia, China, Europe and USA; (b) development and application of innovative stable isotope, biomolecular and physiological techniques for assessing both genetic and environmental controls of plant water and nutrient use efficiency; (c) soil fertility and plant nutrition; (d) development and application of advanced stable isotope, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and biomolecular techniques for studying biogeochemical processes of C and nutrient cycling which underpin ecosystem productivity and sustainability; (e) environmental management and food security; and (f) innovative tree ring technologies for unravelling long-term and complex impacts of climate change and local management/historical episodes on biogeochemical cycles, ecosystem productivity and sustainability. 
  • 08.21 学术报告预告:伊朗油田废水处理相关研究及技术应用
      Researchand technical applicationof oilfield wastewater treatment in Iran     
      报告人:Alireza Pendashteh 
      (Ph.D,Chemical Engineering) 

    Dr.Alireza Pendashteh
      Alireza Pendashteh博士,毕业于University Putra Malaysia,现任职于伊朗桂兰大学里海流域研究中心(The Caspian Sea Basin Research Center,University of Guilan,Rasht,Iran),主要从事油田废水处理技术相关研究。欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学踊跃参加!     
  • International Post-graduate Forum on Resources and Environment under the Co-creation of “The Belt and Road”Major Development
      International Post-graduate Forum on Resources and Environment under the Co-creation of “The Belt and Road”Major Development, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS 
      (September 25th to 27th, 2017, Urumqi, China) 
      The initiative of jointly building “The Silk Road Economic Belt” proposed by Chinese President Xioffers development opportunity and construction platform for countries along the Silk Road. Sponsored by the Bureau of Frontier Sciences and Education,CAS, the International Post-graduate Forum on Resources and Environment under the Co-creation of “The Belt and Road” (B&R) Major Development organized by Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS, is going to be held from September 25th to 27th, 2017,in Urumqi, China. The forum aims to go into the basic theories, hot issues and innovationmethods of resources and environment in developing B&R, exchange the important findingson the construction of “The Silk Road Economic Belt”, the economic development, social progress and ecological civilization constructionof the regions along the Silk Road, and the strategy of sustainable development, and share the new theories, new methods and new ideas, so as to promote the positive role of both domestic and international post-graduates in developing B&R, in the field of resources and environment. Worldwide post-graduates,led teachers and post-graduate education officers are welcome to the forum, and submit papers or abstracts focusing on the forum topics. 
      To make good preparation of the forum, the relevant matters are informed as follows: 
      Theme & Topics 
      To implement “the strategy of innovation-driven development” and co-create the interconnection development of “The Belt and Road”. 
      *Changes of global climate andwater resources&ecological environment management 
      * Biodiversity conservation &bioremediation of damaged environment 
      * Tourist and cultural resources &coordinated regional development 
      * Application of 3S& spatial big data and model development 
      * Foreign student topic 
      Date, venue and scale 
      *Onsite registration opens: Sep. 25, 2017 
      * Opening, plenary and parallel sessions: Sep. 26, 2017 
      * Investigation: Sep. 27, 2017 
      Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China 
      Around 60-70, including 30 overseas students 
      The forum will set five sessions according to the five topics, and is scheduled as: 
      Plenary session:Renowned experts from related fields will be invited to give lectures around the forum topics. 
      Parallel sessions:Some post-graduates from related fields and authors of excellent papers will be invited to give reports, and experts from related fields to comment. The Forum Outstanding Paper Award will be decided at5First Prize, Second Prize 10, Third Prize 15, Innovation Award 5 and Best Paper Award 3. 
      Art performance: To strengthen the communication, student unions of Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography and some universities of Xinjiang will jointly present art performance. 
      Investigation:One-day investigation will be arranged in Turpan Desert Botanical Garden for further learning and communication. 
      Call for papers and registration 
      Abstract submission deadline 
      Full paper or abstract should be submitted to lihui@ms.xjb.ac.cn or lich@ms.xjb.ac.cn prior to Sep.12, 2017. Please refer to Appendix I for details of submission requirement. 
      Best paper selection submission deadline 
      For post-graduates intending to participate in the selection of best paper, please send the full paper to lihui@ms.xjb.ac.cnprior to Sep.12, 2017. The paper should include title, author information, abstract, key words, body, references and so on, for more details, please refer to Appendix I. 
      Registration and fees 
      For participants, please fill and send the registration form (see Appendix II) to lihui@ms.xjb.ac.cn prior to Sep. 12, 2017, and clear whether to make an oral report. 
      No registration fees are required for the forum, and accommodation of participantsis uniformly arranged by us. Transporter fees, accommodation feesshall be under their own responsibility. For more details of accommodation, please refer to the Second Announcement. 
      Li Chunhua,Tel: (+86)0991-7885509, E-mail: lich@ms.xjb.ac.cn; 
      Zhou Bin, Tel: (+86)0991-7885476; 
      Zou Ting, Tel: (+86)0991-7885476; 
      Li Hui, Tel: (+86)0991-7885509, E-mail: lihui@ms.xjb.ac.cn. 
      Note: There is of 2-hour time difference between Xinjiang and Beijing, the work time is10:00-14:00and 16:00-20:00 (Beijing time).   
      Appendix I: 
      Requirements for Paper Submission 
      Submitted papers must be related to the forum theme, i.e., focusing on the key issues of the regional resources, environment and social development with “The Belt and Road”. The paper is expected be correct and creative in statement, precise in structure, fluent in language, and significant in both theory and practice. 
      * Both papers and abstracts will be accepted, but full paper is necessary for best paper selection.  
      * The full paper should be 4000-8000 words, and abstract 600-800 words, which can be in either Chinese or English. 
      * Full paper and abstract should be submitted to lihui@ms.xjb.ac.cn or lich@ms.xjb.ac.cn prior to Sep.12, 2017. (E-mail topic: XIEG forum + name + paper title) 
      Templates in detail are shown as follows: 
      Title (22pt, black letter if in Chinese, centering) 
      Authors(14pt, imitation Song-Dynasty-style typeface if in Chinese, centering) 
      Organization, City, Postcode(10.5pt, regular scripts if in Chinese, centering) 
      Abstract (12pt, black letter if in Chinese):The content of abstract should state briefly the key research methods and the major conclusions or innovative results (12pt, Song font if in Chinese, 22pt line spacing, 600-800 words, in Microsoft Word with A4 size). 
      Key words (12pt, black letter if in Chinese): 3-8 key words, divided by semicolon (12pt, Song font if in Chinese). 
      About the author (12pt, black letter if in Chinese): name, gender, E-mail: ***, mainly engaged in ***(research field). 
      Body: 12pt, Song font if in Chinese, 22pt line spacing, in Microsoft Word with A4 size). 
      References (12pt, black letter if in Chinese): References should be listed at the end of the paper in either Ordinal Method or Author Year Method.     
      Appendix II 
      International Post-graduate Forum on Resources and Environment under the Co-creation of “The Belt and Road” Major Development, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS 
      Registration Form 
    Name Gender Nationality   
    Master/Ph.D Major   
    Learning Unit   
    University Address Postcode   
    E-mail Phone No.   
    Submit paper/abstract or not Title   
    Accommodation Standard room sharing □ 
    Standard room single live□ Single room□ 
    Remarks For participants, please fill and send the registration form to lihui@ms.xjb.ac.cn prior to Sep.12, 2017. See Notice of Forum Registration in the Second Announcement. 