
12.11 Perspectives of statistical ecology on studying environment related health issues: 上善若水五行中


  报告题目:Perspectives of statistical ecology on studying environment related health issues: 上善若水五行中 

  报告人: Dr. Wei Wenhua 

  单位:University of Otago, New Zealand
    报告时间:20171211(星期一) 上午10:00
    报告地点: 生态楼510会议室
    邀请人:贺纪正  研究员     

  Wen-Hua Wei博士简介:统计遗传及生物信息学专家,华中农业大学动物遗传学获得硕士学位后于新西兰林肯大学(Lincoln University)获得博士学位,先后工作于新西兰农业中心(AgResearch NZ),英国爱丁堡大学和曼彻斯特大学,现为新西兰奥塔哥大学(University of Otago)药学院的高级研究员,中新水研究中心和非传染性疾病联合中心的研究骨干(NZ-China Water Research Centre and Non-Communicable Diseases Research Collaboration Centre)。Wen-Hua Wei博士的主要研究兴趣为基因与基因间以及基因与环境的相互作用,在Nature Reviews Genetics等刊物上发表了系列有关基因相互作用研究的计算方法和综述性论文。   

  AbstractEnvironment related health issues (e.g. global warming, citrus greening or HuangLongBing, human metabolic disorders) increase at an alarming rate worldwide. As sequencing technologies advance, we have unprecedented opportunities to address these issues. However, much increased data pose serious challenges to statistical ecology, where sampling space is often large and data tend to be spatial and/or longitudinal requiring integrative analysis and modeling. In this talk, I will first introduce the One Health initiative of NZ-China Water Research Centre, and then discuss key perspectives of statistical ecology on meeting the challenges using examples from citrus, sheep and human respectively. I hope to convince you that statistical ecology is the nicest ‘water’ in eco-environmental research. 

  Information link 

  Center for Statistical Ecology and Environmental StatisticsPennsylvania State University 


  National Centre for Statistical Ecology (UK)niversity of St Andrewshttps://ncse.org.uk/contact/ 

  Professor Alan Gelfand, Duke University (Bayesian Spatial Analysis) 

