
12.25 学术报告:土壤中电子转移网络研究



            Electron Transfer Network in Soil 

  报告人: 孙天然  博士 

  单位:University of Cornell, USA
    报告时间: 20171225(星期一) 下午2: 30
    报告地点: 生态楼505会议室
    邀请人: 贺纪正研究员 

孙天然  博士

  孙天然博士简介:丹麦科技大学环境工程博士,美国康奈尔大学博士后。主要研究方向:自然存在的电子转移网络在土壤微生物代谢和矿物转化过程中的作用机制以及人为构建的电化学迁移网络在去除土壤重金属污染方面的应用。主要成就:(1)发现了有机质中热解炭的快速直接电子转移机制,突破了以氧化还原循环为电子转移主导的传统认识,研究成果发表于著名学术期刊Nature Communications ,并被美国科学促进会(AAAS)等多家科学媒体广泛报道;(2)针对热解炭的官能团和炭本体双重电子转移途径,开发了双界面电子转移捕捉的电化学新方法;(3)探索了快速电子转移机制对土壤微生物生长的影响,发现电容代谢新途径。近五年在Nature Communications , Journal of Hazardous Materials , ElectrochimicaActa等国际学术期刊发表SCI 论文10余篇。     


  Sun T.R., Levin B., Guzman J., Enders A., Muller D., Angenent L., Lehmann J., 2017. Rapid Electron Transfer by the Carbon Matrix in Natural Pyrogenic Carbon. Nature Communications,DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14873 

  Sun, T.R., Pamukcu, S., Ottosen, L.M., Wang, F., 2015. Electrochemically Enhanced Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium in Contaminated Clay: Kinetics, Energy Consumption, and Application of Pulse Current. Chemical Engineering Journal 262, 1099-1107. 

  Sun, T.R., Ottosen, L.M., Jensen, P.E., Kirkelund, G.M., 2013. Effect of Pulse Current on Acidification and Removal of Cu, Cd, and as During Suspended Electrodialytic Soil Remediation. Electrochimica Acta 107, 187-193.  

  Sun, T.R., Ottosen, L.M., Mortensen, J., 2013. Electrodialytic Soil Remediation Enhanced by Low Frequency Pulse Current – Overall Chronopotentiometric Measurement. Chemosphere 90, 1520-1525.     

  Sun, T.R., Ottosen, L.M., Jensen, P.E., 2012. Pulse Current Enhanced Electrodialytic Soil Remediation – Comparison of Different Pulse Frequencies. Journal of Hazardous Materials 237–238, 299-306. 

  Sun, T.R., Ottosen, L.M., 2012. Effects of Pulse Current on Energy Consumption and Removal of Heavy Metals During Electrodialytic Soil Remediation. Electrochimica Acta 86, 28-35. 

  Sun, T.R., Ottosen, L.M., Jensen, P.E., Kirkelund, G.M., 2012. Electrodialytic Remediation of Suspended Soil – Comparison of Two Different Soil Fractions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 203–204, 229-235. 

  Sun, T.R., Cang, L., Wang, Q.Y., Zhou, D.M., Cheng, J.M., Xu, H., 2010. Roles of Abiotic Losses, Microbes, Plant Roots, and Root Exudates on Phytoremediation of Pahs in a Barren Soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 176, 919-925. 
