  • 05.10查金苗组答辩公告

      答 辩 人:洪响声
      指导教师:查金苗 研究员
      时 间:2020年5月10日(星期日)上午10:00-12:00
      地 址:环境技术楼423会议室
  • 05.08彭先佳组答辩公告

      指导教师:彭先佳 研究员
  • Water and Sanitation Training Program: Special Seminar

      Discussion on Epidemic Prevention and Control Regarding to Rural Drainage System and Development of Rural Water Environment Management
      Time: 16:00-17:30 (UTC+8,Beijing)
      8:00-9:30 (UTC)
      Saturday April 25th, 2020
      Meeting ID: 675 3957 3422
      The importance of risk prevention and control of the rural drainage system during the Covid-19 epidemic cannot be understated! In this seminar, Dr.Lei will introduce the background, basis and application scope of the "Guidelines for risk management amid operations of rural drainage systems during the epidemic", the foundational regulations under the epidemic situation, the protective measures for on-site operators and the key protective measures for the sewage collection system and sewage treatment plant, etc. After that, there will be a discussion on the development of rural water environment governance.
      Speaker: Xiaoling Lei, Prof.
      Deputy Director of Research Center for Low-carbon, Ecological and Environmental Protection of Chongqing Academy of Science and Technology
      Deputy Director of Chongqing Research Center of Engineering and Technology of Sponge City Construction
      Bachelor and Master of Environmental Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 1986-1994,
      Master of Environmental Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada, 2002-2005.
      Successively held positions in Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Ecological Environment, Water Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, Suez Sino-french Water Development Co., Ltd. (Macau), Chongqing Jiaotong University, participated in the management, academic research and technological development of various professional fields, including municipal water supply and drainage, rural safe drinking water, water and wastewater system operation and management, Sponge City Construction, Integrated Water Environment Management, Low-carbon technology and Carbon Trading and other professional fields.
      Reference Material:
      Fact Sheet of Water, Sanitation and Wastewater Management for COVID-19 Prevention and Control.
      Zoom Video Communicatons https://zoom.us
      If dial to join ZOOM meeting, find your local number: https://zoom.com.cn/u/idU4zUw8Zc
      CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Water and Environment,
      Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,
      Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 11.23朱本占组答辩公告

      答 辩 人:黄 蓉
      指导教师:朱本占 研究员
  • 11.24单保庆组答辩公告

      答 辩 人:朱曜曜
      指导教师:单保庆 研究员
      唐文忠 副研究员
      时 间:2019年11月24日(星期日) 8:30
      地 点:环境技术楼423会议室
  • 11.20陈卫平组答辩公告

      答 辩 人:蔡怡敏
      指导教师:陈卫平 研究员
      王美娥 副研究员
      答 辩 人:姜瑢
      指导教师:陈卫平 研究员
      王美娥 副研究员
      时 间:2019年11月20日(星期三) 9:00
      地 点:生态楼505会议室
  • 学术报告通知11.13

      Abstract: Among the most evident landscape signatures of the human fingerprint, the terraces related to agricultural activities are of great importance. This technique is widely used in various parts of the world under various environmental conditions. In some areas, terraced landscapes can be considered a historical heritage and a cultural service to be adequately preserved (e.g. FAO-GIAHS or UNESCO sites). However, in some areas such landscapes are under threat. Climate change first (with the increasing of rainfall intensity) but also not optimal maintenance or abandonment can progressively increase land degradation, and more in specific gully erosion and landslides. It is therefore necessary to develop new technologies and management approaches, environmentally and economically sustainable, to reduce soil erosion and improve soil in steep-slope landscapes where hydro-geological risk is high. The purpose of this talk is to present the case study of Italy, focusing on vineyards. Some solutions to monitor (e.g. use of drones), analyze and prevent hydrogeological instabilities are tested in different areas of North Italy, including a GIAHS terraced landscape site (SOAVE GIAHS site) located in Veneto Region (Italy). The goal is to enhance environmental sustainability of vineyard agroecosystems in hilly and mountain landscapes, with special focus on the reduction of soil erosion risk, minimize the impact of cultivation practices, introduce conservation techniques and finally develop an integrated management approach to combine production targets of farmers with preservation of environment and landscape.