理学博士,城市与区域生态国家重点实验室研究员。主要从事城乡复合生态系统生态安全与环境健康、景观空间分析与过程模拟、重大工程生态安全、生态恢复与水文过程等研究。在Environment International、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Environmental Pollution、Journal of Hydrology、Catena、Nature Communications、生态学报、土壤学报、环境科学、环境科学学报等国内外核心期刊发表论文150余篇。中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,任中国生态学学会生态水文专业委员会副秘书长、生态学报青年编委等。
Yang Lei, Zhao Fangkai, Feng Qingyu, Li Min, Wang Xinmiao, Tang Jianfeng, Bu Qingwei, Chen Liding. A landscape source-sink model to understanding the seasonal dynamics of antibiotics in soils at watershed scale. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 465: 133224.
Yang Lei, Zhao Fangkai, Yen Haw, Feng Qingyu, Li Min, Wang Xinmiao, Tang Jianfeng, Bu Qingwei, Chen Liding. Urbanization and land use regulate soil vulnerability to antibiotic contamination in urban green spaces. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 465: 133363.
Li Min, Chen Liding, Zhao Fangkai, Tang Jianfeng, Bu Qingwei, Feng Qingyu, Yang Lei*. An innovative risk evaluation method on soil pathogens in urban-rural ecosystem. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 459:132286.
Li Min, Chen Liding, Zhao Fangkai, Tang Jianfeng, Bu Qingwei, Wang Xinmiao, Yang Lei*. Effects of urban-rural environmental gradient on soil microbial community in rapidly urbanizing area. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2023, 9: 0118.
Zhao Fangkai, Yang Lei, Yen Haw, Feng Qingyu, Li Min, Chen Liding. Reducing risks of antibiotics to crop production requires land system intensification within thresholds. Nature Communications, 2023, 14: 6094.
Li Min, Yang Lei, Yen Haw, Zhao Fangkai, Wang Xinmiao, Zhou Tianhui, Feng Qingyu, Chen Liding. Occurrence, spatial distribution and ecological risks of antibiotics in soil in urban agglomeration. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2023, 125: 678-690.
Zhao Fangkai, Yang Lei, Yen Haw, Yu Xinwei, Fang Li, Li Min, Chen Liding. Can agricultural land use alter the responses of soil biota to antibiotic contamination? Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 437: 129350.
Yang Lei, Zhao Fangkai. Land use determines soil antibiotic concentrations. Feral Atlas, Stanford University Press, doi: 10.21627/2020fa.
Zhao Fangkai, Chen Liding, Yen Haw, Li Gang, Sun Long, Yang Lei*. An innovative modeling approach of linking land use patterns with soil antibiotic contamination in peri-urban areas. Environment International, 2020, 134: 105327.
Zhao Fangkai, Chen Liding, Yen Haw, Sun Long, Li Shoujuan, Li Min, Feng Qingyu, Yang Lei*. Multimedia mass balance approach to characterizing the transport potential of antibiotics in soil-plant systems following manure application. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 363: 122363.
Zhao Fangkai, Chen Liding, Yang Lei*, Sun Long, Li Shoujuan, Li Min, Feng Qingyu. Effects of land use and rainfall on sequestration of veterinary antibiotics in soils at the hillslope scale. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 260: 114112.
Feng Qingyu, Dennis C. Flanagan, Bernard A. Engel, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding. GeoAPEXOL, a web GIS interface for the Agricultural Policy Environmental eXtender (APEX) model enabling both field and small watershed simulation. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2020, 123: 104569.
Sun Long, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Yen Haw, Zhao Fangkai, Li Shoujuan. Evaluation of seasonal patterns of hydraulic redistribution in a humid subtropical area, East China. Hydrological Processes, 2020, 34: 1052-1062.
Zhao Fangkai, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Li Shoujuan, Sun Long. Bioaccumulation of antibiotics in crops under long-term manure application: Occurrence, biomass response and human exposure. Chemosphere, 2019, 219: 882-895.
Zhao Fangkai, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Xiang Qian, Li Shoujuan, Sun Long, Yu Xinwei, Fang Li. Soil contamination with antibiotics in a typical peri-urban area in eastern China: Seasonal variation, risk assessment, and microbial responses. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019, 79: 200-212.
Sun Long, Yen Haw, Chen Liding, Zhao Fangkai, Yang Lei*. Distribution of agricultural land regulates stream water isotopes over multipe spatial scale in a subtropical forested watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 579: 124206.
Sun Long, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Li Shoujuan, Zhao Fangkai, Sun Shiqiang. Tracing the soil water response to autumn rainfall in different land uses at multi-day timescale in a subtropical zone. Catena, 2019, 180: 355-364.
Sun Long, Carey Manus, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Li Shoujuan, Zhao Fangkai, Zhu Yongguan, Meharg Caroline, Meharg Andrew A.*. Source identification of trace elements in peri-urban soils in eastern China. Exposure and Health, 2019, 11(3): 195-207.
Li Shoujuan, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Zhao Fangkai, Sun Long. Spatial distribution of heavy metal concentrations in peri-urban soils in eastern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(2): 1615-1627.
Sun Long, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Zhao Fangkai, Li Shoujuan. Short-term changing patterns of stem water isotopes in shallow soils underlain by fractured bedrock. Hydrology Research, 2019, 50(2): 577-588.
Yang Lei, Zhang Handan, Chen Liding. Identification on threshold and efficiency of rainfall replenishment to soil water in semi-arid loess hilly areas. Science China Earth Science, 2018, 61(3): 292-301.
Zhao Fangkai, Chen Liding, Yang Lei*, Li Shoujuan, Sun Long, Yu Xinwei. Distribution, dynamics and determinants of antibiotics in soils in a peri-urban area of Yangtze River Delta, Eastern China. Chemosphere, 2018, 211: 261-270.
Zhao Fangkai, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Li Shoujuan, Sun Long. Co-contamination of antibiotics and metals in peri-urban agricultural soils and source identification. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(34): 34063-34075.
Sun Long, Yang Lei*, Chen Liding, Li Shoujuan, Zhao Fangkai. Hydraulic redistribution and its contribution to water retention during short-term drought in the summer rainy season in a humid area. Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 566: 377-385.
Xiao Jun*, Shi Peng, Wang Yafeng, Yu Yang, Yang Lei*. A framework for quantifying the extent of impact to plants from linear construction. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 2488.
Xiao Jun, Shi Peng, Wang Yafeng, Yang Lei*. The vegetation recovery pattern and affecting factors after pipeline disturbance in northwest China. Journal of Nature Conservation, 2016, 29: 114-122.
Yang Lei, Chen Liding, Wei Wei. Effects of vegetation restoration on the spatial distribution of soil moisture at the hillslope scale in semi-arid regions. Catena, 2015, 124: 138-146.
Wang Ziting, Yang Lei*, Cai Guojun, Mo Baoru, Chai Chunshan. A quantitative health evaluation of an eco-economy in the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2015, 21: 1884-1902.
Yang Lei, Chen Liding, Wei Wei, Yu Yang, Zhang Handan. Comparison of deep soil moisture in two re-vegetation watersheds in semi-arid regions. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 513: 314-321.
Yang Lei, Wei Wei, Chen Liding, Chen Wenlin, Wang Jinglan. Response of temporal variation of soil moisture to vegetation restoration in semi-arid Loess Plateau, China. Catena, 2014, 115: 123-133.
王鑫淼, 李敏, 赵方凯, 邬艳妮, 陈利顶, 杨磊*. 农业小流域土壤微塑料与重金属复合污染的空间分异研究. 环境科学学报, 2024.
王鑫淼, 马志勇, 周旺潇, 黄勇, 陈利顶, 杨磊*. 光伏发电系统碳中和分析及其影响因素探讨. 资源科学, 2022, 44(8): 1735-1744.
吴志丰, 邱月, 任引, 将梧州, 杨磊*. 城市景观格局视角下的空气微生物研究进展. 生态学报, 2022, 42(6): 2489-2500.
周添惠, 杨磊*, 赵方凯, 李旭春, 邓居礼, 李敏, 黄勇, 段兴武. 渭河源流域源汇景观演变对径流泥沙的影响研究. 生态学报, 2022, 42(1): 58-66.
王世军, 杨磊*, 段兴武, 黄勇, 冯青郁. 黄土高原小流域植被恢复的土壤水分和养分权衡效应研究. 土壤通报, 2022, 53(2): 356-365.
李敏, 陈利顶, 杨小茹, 赵方凯, 孙龙, 许申来, 杨磊*. 城乡复合生态系统微生物群落特征及功能差异:研究进展与展望. 土壤学报, 2021, 58(6): 1368-1380.
杨磊, 冯青郁, 陈利顶. 黄土高原水土保持工程措施的生态系统服务. 资源科学, 2020, 42(1): 87-95.
李敏, 唐剑锋, 赵方凯, 杨磊*. 典型城郊土地利用格局对水体抗生素的影响研究. 环境科学学报, 2020, 40(3): 880-889.
李敏, 唐剑锋, 陈利顶, 赵方凯, 冯青郁, 杨磊*. 城郊流域源汇景观格局与水体抗生素的关系. 环境科学, 2020, 41(5): 2264-2271.
杨磊, 张子豪, 李宗善. 黄土高原植被建设与土壤干燥化:问题与展望. 生态学报, 2019, 39(20): 7382-7388.
李宗善, 杨磊*, 王国梁, 侯建, 信忠保, 刘国华, 傅伯杰. 黄土高原水土流失治理现状、问题及对策. 生态学报, 2019, 39(20): 7398-7409.
冯棋, 杨磊*, 王晶, 石学圆, 汪亚峰. 黄土丘陵区植被恢复的土壤碳水效应研究. 生态学报, 2019, 39(18): 6598-6609.
李守娟, 杨磊*, 陈利顶, 赵方凯, 孙龙. 长三角典型城郊农田土壤—浙贝母重金属迁移特征研究. 长江流域资源与环境, 2019, 28(12): 3003-3013.
赵方凯, 杨磊*, 李守娟, 向倩, 孙龙, 方力, 陈利顶. 长三角典型城郊土壤抗生素空间分布的影响因素研究, 环境科学学报, 2018, 38(3): 1163-1171.
徐志尧, 张钦弟, 杨磊*. 半干旱黄土丘陵区深层土壤水分季节变化分析. 干旱区资源与环境, 2018, 32(3): 145-151.
李守娟, 杨磊*, 陈利顶, 赵方凯, 孙龙. 长三角典型城郊土地利用变化及其土壤碳氮响应. 生态学报, 2018, 38(20): 7178-7188.
赵方凯, 陈利顶, 杨磊*, 方力, 孙龙, 李守娟. 长三角典型城郊不同土地利用土壤抗生素组成及分布特征, 环境科学, 2017, 38(12): 346-355.
赵方凯, 杨磊*, 乔敏, 李守娟, 孙龙. 土壤中抗生素的环境行为及分布特征研究进展, 土壤, 2017, 49(3): 428-436.