
05.26 生态学学科发展前沿讲座:Exploring Biodiversity-Productivity Relationship Using Global Forest Biodiversity (GFB) Data


  报告题目:Exploring Biodiversity-Productivity Relationship Using Global Forest Biodiversity (GFB) Data 

  报告人:Dr. Jingjing Liang 

  单位:West Virginia University 



  Dr. Jingjing Liang obtained his PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison and Bachelor of Science from Peking University. He is now an Associate Professor at West Virginia University, and is also an Affiliate Professor with three institutes in Canada and Spain. Dr. Liang is the leading coordinator of the Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative, one of the largest international forest research team. Dr. Liang's research is focused on biodiversity and forest ecosystems. His recent publications on Science, PNAS, and Conservation Biology address global scale issues of biodiversity conservation and its socio-economic impacts. He is the invited and plenary speakers of several international conference and workshops, including 2017 Conference of International Society Of Forest Resource Economics. 

